
A woman and her 5-month-old son survived a plane crash in a remote area of western Colombia and were rescued four days later on Wednesday with just minor injuries and burns.

The baby was actually listed as “in good condition” when he was admitted to a hospital in Quibdo, some 450 miles north of Bogotá.

The 21-year-old mother, María Nela Murillo, and son were aboard a twin-engine Cessna that crashed Saturday into thick jungle terrain shortly after taking off from Quibdo.

The pilot was killed, but rescuers said a load of fish onboard absorbed much of the impact in the cabin, allowing Murillo and her son to survive against the odds.

The incident is being labeled as “miraculous” by local residents. Colombian Air Force Col. Rafael Alfredo Caviedes, who was involved in the rescue effort, told local reporters that the woman and her baby were found about 500 yards from the aircraft.

He said they were able to find them because they remained near the crash site. Murillo survived by improvising a shelter and eating coconuts the plane was carrying.

Rescuers reached the survivors on Wednesday, after a local came across her and summoned help.

Mother and son were flown to Quibdo for medical treatment and are expected to be released in the coming days.

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