Mnuchin: US to consider TPP re-entry after other priorities

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says that the United States will consider rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership after it deals with other priorities.

Trump withdrew the U.S. from the agreement last year, but the remaining 11 members pressed ahead and recently signed a sweeping free trade deal in the Chilean capital.

Mnuchin said Wednesday that the Trump administration is focused on talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

He said that it would be "a bit premature" to review details now of what needs to be addressed for the U.S. to reconsider re-entry to the partnership. But he said that it will "definitely" be considered after Trump's administration reviews other goals.

Mnuchin spoke in Chile after a two-day meeting of G-20 finance ministers and central bankers in Argentina.