May visits Saudi Arabia without headscarf

In this Tuesday, April 4, 2017 photo released by Saudi Press Agency, SPA, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior, rear left, meets with British Prime Minister Theresa May, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Saudi Press Agency via AP) (The Associated Press)

British Prime Minister Theresa May has forgone wearing a headscarf during her visit to Saudi Arabia.

May stepped off a plane in the Saudi capital of Riyadh Tuesday morning without the headscarf the kingdom favors for women.

Under the kingdom's dress code, Saudi women are required to wear a headscarf and loose, black robes in public, but covering one's head is not required for foreigners.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama also declined to wear headscarves during visits to the country.

May is getting a mixed reaction on social media to the move. Some users see it as a display of feminism, while others call it disrespectful.

May's Downing Street office had no comment on her wardrobe choice.