Macedonian lawmakers fire top prosecutor over wiretap probe

Macedonia's left wing-dominated parliament has dismissed the country's top prosecutor, whom the government accused of alleged incompetence and "submissiveness" to the previous administration.

In a ballot Thursday, all 64 lawmakers from the governing coalition voted for the dismissal of 57-year-old Marko Zvrlevski over his handling of an investigation into a major wiretapping scandal.

The conservative opposition led by the VMRO-DPMNE party walked out before the vote.

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev's government accused Zvrlevski of refusing to accept as evidence thousands of illegally recorded phone conversations released in 2015, and failing to investigate alleged wrongdoing by members of the previous conservative-dominated Cabinet.

Zvrlevski denies wrongdoing. The wiretapping scandal triggered a political crisis which led to early elections that brought Zaev to power this year after a decade of VMRO-DPMNE rule.