Libya's internationally-recognized government recalls its team back home from Morocco talks

Libya's internationally-recognized government says it has recalled its team from U.N.-mediated talks in Morocco, where rival Libyan sides are supposed to agree on a unity government for the divided North African nation.

A statement from the parliament based in eastern Libya says Tuesday's development came after their rivals from an Islamist-backed government, based in Tripoli, insisted on re-opening and adjusting the "near-final" text of the agreement without consulting the eastern Libyan team.

U.N. officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

The setback comes two days after U.N. special envoy to Libya, Bernardino Leon, announced the two sides had reached a "consensus" on the main elements of a political agreement.

Libya has slid into chaos after the 2011 overthrow and killing of longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi.