Libyan Rebel Fighters Take Tripoli

Aug. 24: Libyans celebrate overrunning Qaddafi's compound in Tripoli. Hundreds of Libyan rebels stormed Qaddafi's compound, charging wildly through the symbolic heart of the crumbling regime as they killed loyalist troops, looted armories and knocked the head off a statue of the besieged dictator. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: Women show their nails painted with the colors of pre-Muammar al-Qaddafi flags during celebrations of rebels; storming of Qaddafi's main military compound in Tripoli. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: A rebel fighter on top a statue gestures and shoot in the air as fighters celebrate overrunning Qaddafi's compound in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: Rebel fighters tear up a portrait of Qaddafi inside his compound Bab al-Aziziya in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: Rebel fighters celebrate as they stand on top of the monument inside Qaddafi's compound in Bab Al-Aziziya in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: Somia Al Msrat, 35, center, holds a picture of her brother, who she claims to have been killed by Qaddafi in 1996, as she celebrates with other women storming of Qaddafi's main military compound in Tripoli. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: A rebel fighter tears a sign connecting Moammar Gadhafi on a wall in downtown Tripoli. (AP2011)

Aug. 24: A Libyan man holds his daughter, as he walks along an empty street in downtown Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: A Libyan rebel shoots in the air at a checkpoint in the Bab El Bahrah district in Tripoli. Libyan rebels stormed Qaddafi's compound after fierce fighting with forces loyal to his regime. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Rebel fighter brakes the glass of the Muammar al-Qaddafi's tent inside the main compound in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Rebel push the car inside the main Muammar al-Qaddafi's compound in Bab Al-Aziziya in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: An injured rebel fighter lies on the ground following fighting just outside the compound of Muammar al-Qaddafi. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Libyan rebels break their Ramadan fast at a checkpoint in the Bab El Bahrah district in Tripoli. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Rebel fighters gesture inside the main Muammar al-Qaddafi compound in Bab al-Aziziya in Tripoli. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Rebel fighters trample on a head of Moammar Gadhafi inside the main compound in Bab al-Aziziya in Tripoli. (AP2011 )

Aug. 23: In this image taken from TV, an injured rebel fighter gives the victory sign, after fighting just outside Qaddafi's compound. The sprawling complex, heavily damaged by NATO airstrikes, is the most defining symbol of Qaddafi's nearly 42-year rule -- and its fall. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: In this image taken from TV, a rebel fighter climbs on a statue inside Qaddafi's Tripoli compound. (AP2011)

Aug 23: Rebel fighters seen in the Gorgi district of Tripoli, Libya. Fresh fighting erupted in Tripoli, hours after an appearance by Muammar Qaddafi's son energized forces still loyal to the embattled regime. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Rebel fighters observe the fighting near Muammar Qaddafi's main compound in the Bab al-Aziziya district of Tripoli, Libya. Fresh fighting erupted in Tripoli hours after Muammar Qaddafi's son turned up free to thwart Libyan rebel claims he had been captured. (AP2011)

Aug. 23: Muammar Qaddafi's son, Seif al-Islam, gestures to troops loyal to his father in Tripoli, Libya. Seif al-Islam, who was earlier reported arrested by Libya's rebels, turned up early the morning of August 23rd. (AP2011 )

Aug. 23: Rebel fighters observe the fighting near the main Muammar Qaddafi compound in Bab Al-Aziziya district in Tripoli, Libya, where some of the heaviest fighting took place.  (AP2011)

Aug. 23: A rebel fighters react as they advance to the frontline during a fighting in Tripoli, Libya. Rebels say they control most of Tripoli, but face pockets of fierce resistance from regime loyalists. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Bashir Khamis, 2, front, poses for a photo together with his sisters at seaside of the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Boys break the fast near a broken Qaddafi's tank, during the Muslims holy fasting month of Ramadan at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters seek shelter after they were attacked by the forces loyal to Muammar al-Qaddafi in downtown Tripoli, LIbya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters seen in front of the burning car after they were attacked by the forces loyal to Muammar al-Qaddafi in downtown Tripoli, LIbya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters prepare to shoot towards Qaddafi forces during fighting in downtown Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: People celebrate the capture in Tripoli of Qaddafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya. (AP)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters from Tripoli brigade deface a portrait of Libyan dictator Qaddafi in Tripoli, LIbya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: A group of Libyan and Kuwaiti citizens celebrate the fall of Qaddafi's government as rebel troops arrive in Tripoli, at the Libyan embassy in Kuwait City. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters embrace at the former female military base in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyans and Tunisians demonstrate outside the Libyan embassy in Tunis. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters from Tripoli brigade deface a portrait of Libyan dictator Qaddafi n Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters gesture and tear a green Qaddafi-era flag in the rebel headquarters at the former female military base in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters from Tripoli brigade deface a portrait of Libyan dictator Qaddafi in Tripoli, LIbya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: A group of Libyan and Kuwaiti citizens celebrate the fall of Qaddafi's government as rebel troops arrive in Tripoli, at the Libyan embassy in Kuwait City. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters embrace at the former female military base in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Mustafa Saad, 5, holds a pre-Qaddafi flag during celebrations of the capture in Tripoli of his son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya. (AP)

Aug. 22: A boy holds a drawing depicting Qaddafi and his son Seif al-Islam being hanged during celebrations of the capture in Tripoli of the son at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya. (AP)

Aug. 22: A man flashes the victory sign as he celebrates the capture in Tripoli of Qaddafi's son and one-time heir apparent, Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held town of Benghazi, Libya. (AP)

Aug. 22: Libyans and Tunisians demonstrate outside the Libyan embassy in Tunis. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters from Tripoli brigade deface a portrait of Libyan dictator Qaddafi n Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)

Aug. 22: Libyan rebel fighters gesture and tear a green Qaddafi-era flag in the rebel headquarters at the former female military base in Tripoli, Libya. (AP2011)