Leaders condemn deadly attack on US Libya mission

Political leaders around the world condemned an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Across the Muslim world, there was outrage at a low-budget film ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad that sparked assaults on U.S. missions in Benghazi and Cairo.

U.S. President Barack Obama:

"The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. ... Make no mistake: We will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.

"We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, but there is absolutely no justification for this type of senseless violence, none."

"The world must stand together and unequivocally reject these brutal acts."

Libyan interim President Mohammed el-Megarif:

"We extend our apology to America, the American people and the whole world."

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen:

"It is important that the new Libya continues to move toward a peaceful, secure and democratic future."

British Prime Minister David Cameron:

"This senseless attack ended the lives of people who had worked selflessly alongside Libyans during their darkest days.

"We look to the new Libyan authorities to do all in their power, as they have pledged to do, to bring the killers to justice. Britain stands ready to assist Libya and the United States in that task. Above all, we will honor the memory of these dedicated people by continuing their work to help Libyans build a secure and free country."

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor on California-based filmmaker Sam Bacile, the man behind the Muhammad movie, who claims to be an Israeli Jew:

"Anything he did or said has nothing to do whatsoever with Israel. He may claim what he wants. This was not done with or for or through Israel."

Afghan President Hamid Karzai:

"The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan strongly condemns this inhuman and insulting action (the film) and shows its strong hatred against this action. Insulting the messenger of Islam is to insult the values of 1.5 billion Muslims around the world. This insulting action will cause enmity and contrast between religions and cultures in the world and will be a strong punch to peace and harmony between humans."

Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the broadcast of clips from the film on the Internet:

"Such abominable actions, synchronized with commemoration of atrocious events like 9/11, provoke hatred, discord and enmity within societies and between peoples of various faiths. The event has deeply hurt the feelings of the people of Pakistan and the Muslims all over the world."

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah:

The movie is an "immoral act that represents the highest levels of aggression against human rights that is represented by the respect of people's beliefs. ... The United Nations should issue laws that criminalize such acts similar to laws that criminalize anti-Semites."