Latin America Facebook launches Guarani language site in 3-month experiment for Paraguay

Paraguayans can now navigate social media, post and poke in their country's main indigenous language following the launch of a Guarani version of Facebook.

The version with Guarani settings will be available in Paraguay for three months. It will then be evaluated in light of disputes over Guarani spelling and usage.

Guarani is spoken by the majority of Paraguayans, and Guarani teacher Tadeo Zarratea says it has three versions: traditional, academic and yopara, which is a mix of Spanish and traditional Guarani.

Zulma Trinidad of the Guarani Language and Culture Center says Facebook's version uses academic spellings, while most speakers use traditional Guarani.

Facebook executive Laura Gonzalez said at the version's launch Tuesday that it is the first time a company like Facebook has made a product exclusively for Paraguay.