Ivory Coast not ensuring balanced justice, reports Human Rights Watch

A human rights group charges that Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara's government is not arresting his supporters suspected of crimes during the country's 2010-11 postelection conflict, increasing the danger of future violence.

Human Rights Watch said Thursday that the West African country's judiciary does not have a strategy for investigating crimes in which 3,000 people were killed over five months.

The violence erupted after the November 2010 presidential runoff vote when former President Laurent Gbagbo refused to concede to Ouattara. A national commission found that fighters on both sides committed atrocities.

The report says that more than 150 supporters of former President Laurent Gbagbo have been charged in connection with the postelection violence but no Ouattara loyalists have been charged, fueling allegations that the president is engaging in "victor's justice."