Iran opens nuclear site to Mongolia's president

FILE- In this Feb. 15, 2012, file photo, provided by the Iranian President's Office, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, is escorted by technicians during a tour of Tehran's research reactor center in northern Tehran, Iran. Iran's envoys are heading for nuclear talks with confidence that the chips are falling their way. Iran's denials that it is trying to develop nuclear weapons carry a distinctly hollow ring among its foes as the U.N. nuclear watchdog piles on worries: Complaining about limits on inspection access and reporting that Tehran is expanding its nuclear fuel labs. But, as Israel increasingly weighs the option of a military strike, Western leaders wary of another Middle East conflict may have to pay closer attention to the claims. (AP Photo/Iranian President's Office, File) (AP2012)

Iran has opened its main uranium enrichment plant to a visiting foreign leader for the first time in the history of the site.

State TV on Monday showed footage of Mongolia's President Tsakhia Elbegdorj inspecting centrifuges at a facility in the central Iranian town of Natanz.

Inspectors of the international atomic energy agency visit the site regularly, and Iran has in the past allowed foreign diplomats and reporters to visit it as well.

The broadcast says President Elbegdorj said it would not be possible to visit such a sensitive place in other countries.

The West suspects Iran is enriching uranium as part of a push to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charge, saying its programs is for peaceful purposes.