
Iranian semi-official ILNA news agency is reporting that some Iranian lawmakers have confirmed that an Iranian-Canadian university professor committed suicide while he was in custody.

The Monday report quotes the head of parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, as saying some members of parliament confirmed Kavous Seyed-Emami committed suicide after watching CCTV footage from his time in the custody in Tehran.

Boroujerdi also said that Seyed-Emami's "family also accepted this, so they did not ask for an autopsy."

"The video showed that Seyed-Emami takes his shirt off and prepares for suicide." Boroujerdi said,

On Saturday Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi said authorities had arrested several unidentified people on suspicion of spying. Seyed-Emami was one of them.