
Iran's foreign ministry has strongly condemned the British government's move to ban Lebanon's Hezbollah calling it "irresponsible."

A Saturday report by the official IRNA news agency quoted Bahram Ghasemi, the ministry's spokesman, as saying the "wrong move" will not serve stability and security in Lebanon and ignores the will of a "large portion" of the Lebanese people.

Ghasemi said the Lebanese people support Hezbollah, which "defends the territorial integrity of Lebanon and fights terrorism."

Iran is a key supporter of Hezbollah.

Britain's move will make being a member of, or inviting support for, Hezbollah a criminal offense in the U.K., carrying a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Until now, only the military wing of the Lebanon-based group has been outlawed in Britain, but not it's political arm.

The U.S. also accuses the group of destabilizing the region.