ICC convicts Congolese rebel leader known as 'The Terminator' with war crimes

Congolese militia commander Bosco Ntaganda sits in the courtroom of the ICC (International Criminal Court) during his trial at the Hague in the Netherlands, Monday July 8, 2019.  (Eva Plevier/Pool via AP)

The International Criminal Court has convicted a notorious rebel commander known as "The Terminator" of 18 counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes including murder, rape and sexual slavery for his role in atrocities in a bloody ethnic conflict in a mineral-rich region of Congo in 2002-2003.

Bosco Ntaganda, who maintained his innocence during his trial, faces a maximum life sentence following his convictions Monday at the global court. He showed no emotion as Presiding Judge Robert Fremr passed judgment.


Ntaganda was first indicted in 2006 and became a symbol of impunity in Africa, even serving as a general in Congo's army before turning himself in in 2013 as his power base crumbled.

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