Hispanic Nobel Laureates in Literature

<b>Mario Vargas Llosa</b> <b>Won:</b> 2010.  <b>From:</b> Peru.  Best known works include "Conversation in the Cathedral" and "The Green House." According to the Academy, he won "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat." (AP)

<b>Octavio Paz</b> <b>Won:</b> 1990.  <b>From:</b> Mexico.  Best known works include “The Grammarian Monkey” and “East Slope.” According to the Academy, he won for “for impassioned writing with wide horizons, characterized by sensuous intelligence and humanistic integrity." (AP)

<b>Camilo José Cela</b> <b>Won:</b> 1989.  <b>From:</b> Spain.  Best known work is “La Colmena.” He wrote novels, short narratives and travel diaries, and is known for experimentation and innovation for his writing. Won "for a rich and intensive prose, which with restrained compassion forms a challenging vision of man's vulnerability" (AP)

<b>Gabriel García Márquez</b> <b>Won: </b>1982  <b>From: </b>Colombia.  Best known works include “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Love in the Time of Cholera.” According to the Academy, he won "for his novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly composed world of imagination, reflecting a continent's life and conflicts." (AP)

<b>Pablo Neruda</b> <b>Won:</b> 1971  <b>From:</b> Chile.  Best known works include “Twenty Poems of Love and a Song of Despair” and “Obras Completas.” According to the Academy, he won “for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continent's destiny and dreams." (AP)

<b>Miguel Angel Asturias</b> <b>Won: </b>1967  <b>From:</b> Guatemala.  Best known works include “El Señor Presidente” and “Hombres de maíz.” According to the Academy, he won "for his vivid literary achievement, deep-rooted in the national traits and traditions of Indian peoples of Latin America." (AP)

<b>Juan Ramón Jiménez</b> <b>Won:</b> 1956  <b>From:</b> Spain.  Best works include “Sonetos espirituales” “Platero y yo” and “Piedra y cielo.” According to the Academy, he won "for his lyrical poetry, which in Spanish language constitutes an example of high spirit and artistical purity." (Getty)

<b>Gabriela Mistral</b> <b>Won:</b> 1945  <b>From:</b> Chile.  Best known work includes “Soneta de le muerte”, “Desolacíon” and “Ternura.” According to the Academy, he won "for her lyric poetry which, inspired by powerful emotions, has made her name a symbol of the idealistic aspirations of the entire Latin American world." (Getty)