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    Hipolito Acosta: The Shadow Catcher

    Former Immigration & Naturalization Services undercover agent Hipolito Acosta recently gave Fox News Latino a tour of a few of the locations in which he infiltrated human smuggling operations throughout his 30-year career.

    Hipolito Acosta at Border Patrol Academy graduation in 1976.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Hipolito Acosta and wife Terrie at Border Patrol Academy graduation in 1976. 
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    Augusta Salacup
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    Marfa Border Patrol Sector—between Marfa and Valentine, Texas—with a group of undocumented immigrants that Border Patrol Agent Jimmy Harris and Hipolito Acosta tracked for several groups.
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    Jimmy Harris/The Shadow Catcher
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    17-year-old Hipolito Acosta in the U.S. Navy.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Hipolito Acosta and wife Terrie, wedding day in 1975 in El Paso, Texas.
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    The Shadow Catcher
    Hipolito Acosta standing in front of what was a human smuggling drop house in El Paso, Texas. In 1982, it was the agency's largest infiltrated human smuggling operation, Operation Villasana.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Hipolito Acosta and his mother in 1972.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Medina Case: November 1978, after arriving in Chicago. In the basement parking lot of the federal building. Hipolito Acosta is pictured in the middle.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Medina Case: The Marquez Family: For their safety and to prevent abuse by smugglers, Consuelo Marques (kneeling in front) kept her family close. Seven family members were smuggled by the Medina’s in a U-Haul truck to re-join their father Pedro in Chicago.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    The house where the Medina family operated a human smuggling operation. Acosta was kept here for three days before their departure in the back of a U-Haul truck to Chicago.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    In 1979—In Chicago following the seizure of hundreds of counterfeit legal resident cards, several handguns, and almost $15,000 in case from a counterfeit document distributor on Chicago’s South side.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    In 1982: Acosta (left) and Special Agent Gilbert Wise on the day they took down Operation Villasana in El Paso, Texas. Credit: Dionisio Lopez
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    In 1984—Houses where undocumented immigrants were housed called “wetshacks.” Acosta spent several days in this one at a tree farm north of Dallas where the owner kept about ten undocumented workers cutting trees and refused to pay them their due wages. Credit: Doug Keim.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    In 1984—Acosta on left, with colleagues Tony Sifuentes (middle) and Special Agent Gilbert Wies (right) during an operation. Credit: Dionisio Lopez.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Acosta (upper left) with colleagues Gilbert Rodriguez, Noe Dominguez, and Henry Aguilar after taking down a forty-five pound cocaine case in Miami.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    Acosta receiving Commissioner Challenge Award from Immigration and Naturalization Services from Commissioner Doris Meissner.
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    The Shadow Catcher
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    In 2008--Acosta in front of the Castillo residence in Compton, Calif., a headquarters for a major immigrant smuggling operation. He spent several days there after being smuggled from Tijuana and then transported to Chicago.
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    The Shadow Catcher
  • Published
    17 Images

    Hipolito Acosta: The Shadow Catcher

    Former Immigration & Naturalization Services undercover agent Hipolito Acosta recently gave Fox News Latino a tour of a few of the locations in which he infiltrated human smuggling operations throughout his 30-year career.

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