
A group of Carabineros, Chile's militarized police, said Monday that they experienced a series of paranormal events in a home in the southern city of Puerto Montt after responding to a call for help from a terrified family living there.

"Upon arriving, we could observe that there were several broken windows and mattresses outside the house. Upon entering, the family told us that there had been paranormal activity. At first, it was strange, but once inside, I was questioning one of the owners when a trowel fell down from the attic," Sgt. Boris Olavarria told the local press regarding his visit to the home in the town of Fe y Esperanza.

The officer also said that he was personally attacked during his time in the house.


A local reporter said she had suffered paranormal "attacks" on Monday when she was interviewing the family inside the house. (EFE)

"I called upon the devil, telling him to get out of there and when I was leaving I felt a knife that grazed my back. Since I was wearing a bulletproof vest, I was able to avoid injury," Olavarria said.


The residents of the home spoke with security forces, telling them that something was "lifting objects" and starting "small fires."
"There was a moment when one could detect smoke and there was nobody inside," said the Carabinero.

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One of the officers said that he was personally attacked during his time in the house. (EFE)

The family complained that an unknown feminine silhouette has
been appearing on their videos and photos and at night they hear screams telling them to leave the house.

Reporter Alexis Ruiz, with the Puerto Montt Informa media outlet, said she had suffered paranormal "attacks" on Monday when she was interviewing the family inside the house.

"At the time of the conversation, a sack of potatoes caught on fire. Then, a vase was thrown to the floor and later I was attacked with a kitchen utensil," she said.


Ruiz added that she had experienced "strange things" during her meeting with the family, adding that she had felt like something didn't want to let her continue with her information-gathering work inside the home.

"One of my arms feels numb. I don't know what the reason is because I haven't exerted myself. Inside, we felt strange, very exhausted, depressed. It seemed that something was trying to prevent us from finishing the interview, our telephone signal was cut off without explanation," she said.