Guam leader Oks bill ending time limits in child sex cases

FILE - This November 2014 file photo shows Archbishop Anthony Apuron standing in front of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica in Hagatna, Guam. Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo said Friday, Sept. 23, 2016, he signed a bill that would lift the statute of limitations on child sex abuse charges for civil cases, a move that Catholic leaders say could bankrupt the church in the largely Catholic U.S. territory.(AP Photo/Grace Garces Bordallo, File) (The Associated Press)

Roland Sondia, 54, stands next to the statue of Saint John Paul II in Hagatna, Guam on Friday, Sept. 23, 2016. Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo said Friday he signed a bill that would lift the statute of limitations on child sex abuse charges for civil cases, a move that Catholic leaders say could bankrupt the church in the largely Catholic U.S. territory. Sondia, who earlier this year publicly accused Archbishop Anthony Apuron of molesting him when he was a 15-year-old altar boy, said he would now file a lawsuit. (AP Photo/Grace Garces Bordallo) (The Associated Press)

Roland Sondia, 54, stands in front of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna, Guam on Friday, Sept. 23, 2016. Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo said Friday he signed a bill that would lift the statute of limitations on child sex abuse charges for civil cases, a move that Catholic leaders say could bankrupt the church in the largely Catholic U.S. territory. Sondia, who earlier this year publicly accused Archbishop Anthony Apuron of molesting him when he was a 15-year-old altar boy, said he would now file a lawsuit. (AP Photo/Grace Garces Bordallo) (The Associated Press)

Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo said he signed a bill Friday that would lift the statute of limitations on child sex abuse charges for civil cases, a move that Catholic leaders say could bankrupt the church in the largely Catholic U.S. territory.

The bill, which does not apply to criminal prosecutions, was approved by the Legislature after abuse allegations surfaced against Archbishop Anthony Apuron.

Church leaders say lifting the statute of limitations would subject the church to unlimited financial liability, forcing the closure of parish churches and schools on the island where more than three quarters of Guam's 162,000 residents are Roman Catholics.

Apuron, now 70, has been accused of molesting at least five altar boys in the 1960s and 70s. He has denied the allegations and hasn't been charged with any crime.

His lawyer hasn't returned repeated messages left by The Associated Press.

In response to the allegations, the Vatican appointed Archbishop Savio Hon as temporary apostolic administrator for Guam.

While in Rome discussing the matter, he sent a letter home urging parishioners to sign a petition against the bill. In the letter, which priests read out loud during Mass on Sunday, he promised a canonical trial for Apuron.

"I am saddened that even a single injustice had to happen in order to make this law necessary. There are no winners. Justice is the only victory," Calvo said in a five-page open letter to the people of Guam.

He added that he was resolute in his decision, saying the legislation opens "the doors of justice to those who suffered a terrible harm as children."


Associated Press writer Jennifer Sinco Kelleher in Honolulu contributed to this report.

Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo says he has signed a bill that would lift the statute of limitations on child sex abuse charges in civil cases, a move that Catholic leaders say could bankrupt the church in the largely Catholic U.S. territory.

Calvo announced his approval of the measure Friday night.

The bill comes amid allegations that Guam's Archbishop Anthony Apuron sexually assaulted at least five altar boys in the 1960s and 70s.

Apuron has denied the allegations and hasn't been charged with any crime. His lawyer hasn't responded to repeated requests for comment.

The bill, which does not affect the statute of limitation for criminal cases, was approved by the Legislature after the allegations against Apuron surfaced.