German government calls on new Ukrainian administration to keep far-right forces at bay

Germany is urging Ukraine's new government to keep far-right elements at bay as it seeks to stem the nation's crisis and keep the country together.

German Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Sawsan Chebli said Friday that Berlin has followed with "great concern" reports that Ukraine's Jewish community is worried about the far right. Radical far-right groups provided street muscle in the demonstrations that ended with President Viktor Yanukovych fleeing Kiev.

Chebli says it's important to have a government that is stable and speaks for all Ukrainians, "but which very clearly and vehemently opposes all far-right forces and speaks a clear language."

Chebli says Germany also views with great concern events in Ukraine's strategic Crimea peninsula. She says everything must be done to preserve Ukraine's unity "and to ensure that we need Russia."