
Bidding has closed on eBay for artwork created by George Zimmerman, the Florida gunman who confessed to killing a teenager but was acquitted following a controversial trial that gathered national attention.

The winning bid was $100,099.99 Saturday for an oil painting depicting a U.S. flag in shades of blue with select phrases of the Pledge of Allegiance: "God, One Nation, with Liberty and Justice for All."

The item received 96 bids on the online auction website. A picture shows Zimmerman holding the artwork.

Zimmerman's attorney, Jayne Weintraub, said that her client created the artwork himself and posted it for sale.

In the item description box, Zimmerman wrote: “My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors :-) I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Your friend, George Zimmerman.”

Weintraub said that, "unfairly, he has not been gainfully employed of late and he's utilizing his talent to make some money."

Zimmerman, 30, was acquitted in July in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin. Prosecutors recently declined to file domestic violence charges against him for an incident involving his girlfriend.

Based on reporting by the Associated Press.

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