Gang Bust In New York City Is Largest In Recent History: 103 Arrested In Harlem

New York City police commissioner William Bratton enter a news conference Wednesday, June 4, 2014. (ap)

More than 100 suspected gang members were busted in Harlem Wednesday in one of the largest gang take-downs in New York City history.

Hundreds of New York City police officers, many heavily armed, swarmed the Manhattanville and Grant Houses in the early morning hours.

Those arrested included some of the most dangerous gang members accused of terrorizing residents of the housing complexes, according to police.

As one of the suspects was being walked out of 545 W. 126th St. he yelled out "Happy Stacc Day. Still defiant."

New York News

Stacc is a reference to the 3 Staccs crew that police have been targeting as part of 'Operation Crew Cut' which began in 2010 under former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.

Sources told Fox 5 News that at least one of the suspects arrested may be connected to the the murder of 18-year-old high school basketball star Tayshana Murphy in 2011. Two men have already been convicted in Murphy's killing.

The gangs involved in the takedown are notorious for taking to social media to boast about their crimes, often for no real reason and acting like they had total impunity to do their dirty work.

Of those arrested as part of 'Operation Crew Cut', many were taken in with outstanding warrants using hand scanners that resemble mini iPads.

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. held a news conference at police headquarters for Wednesday.

"The deadly and dangerous feud between the Manhattanville and Grant Houses dates back decades," Vance said. "In the last four years, it has escalated into a bloody turf war marked by violence for the sake of violence. To build a case this extensive, prosecutors and investigators analyzed more than 40,000 calls from correctional facilities, screened hundreds of hours of surveillance video, and reviewed more than a million social media pages."

The indictments charged 103 members of the Make it Happen Boys, Money Avenue, and 3 Staccs gangs across 145 counts, authorities said.

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