Fuerza Civil Police Academy Training

Fuerza Civil, the elite unit that are trained in military and police techniques, receive a college level education, which include ethics classes, and are paid better than normal Mexican police, with full benefits. (Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

Tamaulipas, Mexico- A heavily-armed local police unit will protect foreign hunters in the northern state of Tamaulipas. While hunting lodge owners say that there have not been any incidents between hunters and drug cartels during any hunting expeditions, the police protection will help assuage the fears of some hunter tourists who have been inundated with negative headlines over the Mexican drug war. (Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

Monterrey, Mexico- The Fuerza Civil has been called " the hope" of the future by local leaders in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon where police corruption has been rife. By using arduous military, police training and college-level education, the state beleivs this new generation of police officer will be able to take on dangerous cartels and say no to bribes. (Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

The majority of the cadets at this school are between the age of 18 to 22 years old. (Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

Monterrey, Mexico- Hector Aguilar looks for Dove in this beautiful fields. Aguilar of Big Bass Hunting and fishing says tourism has dropped 95 % since the drug war escalated since 2006. He hopes by instituting police protection, American hunters will feel safe and come back to enjoy one of the best dove hunting areas in the world. (Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

Hector and Joel Aguilar (owner) from Big Bass Hunting and Fishing in Tamaulipas, Mexico. (Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)

(Serafin Gomez, Fox News)