France's yellow vest protesters march despite bans, injuries

FILE - In this Saturday, March 23, 2019 file picture, anti-globalization activist Genevieve Legay, 73, demonstrates in front of riot police officers during a protest in Nice, southeastern France, as part of the 19th round of the yellow vests movement. French authorities are investigating the case of Genevieve Legay who suffered head injuries when police charged people defying a yellow vest protest ban in Nice. (AP Photo/Claude Paris, File)

FILE - In this Saturday, March 23, 2019 file picture, anti-globalization activist Genevieve Legay, 73, lies unconscious after collapsing on the ground during a protest in Nice, southeastern France, as part of the 19th round of the yellow vests movement. Genevieve Legay was waving a rainbow flag marked "Peace" and a yellow vest when riot police carrying shields suddenly pushed toward the group of a few dozen protesters Saturday. (AP Photo/Claude Paris, File)

French yellow vest protesters are rallying to support an activist injured in a confrontation with police.

The demonstrators are undeterred by protest bans or repeated injuries in 20 weeks of demonstrations. So they're marching again Saturday in Paris, Bordeaux and other cities to keep pressing President Emmanuel Macron to do more to help the working classes, redesign French politics — or step down altogether.

They're also showing solidarity with Genevieve Legay, a 73-year-old anti-globalization activist who suffered a head injury in the southern city of Nice last weekend. The Nice prosecutor said a police officer pushed her down.

"We are all Genevieve!" read an online appeal for Saturday's protests.

The main Paris protest will start to weave through the Left Bank and past the Eiffel Tower. Protests are banned around the Champs-Elysees, scene of recent rioting.