France freezes Iranian intelligence agency's assets over alleged plot to bomb exile group

French President Emmanuel Macron speaks during his visit to Goyave on the Guadeloupe island, Friday Sept. 28, 2018, during a trip in the French West Indies. (Thomas Samson, Pool via AP)

One target of a new French crackdown on money flowing to Iranian intelligence is a diplomat suspected in an aborted bid to attack an Iranian exile group, officials said.

The French government on Tuesday also froze the funds of the interior security section of Iran's Intelligence Mnistry and another Iranian individual.

The move to cut off cash to the diplomat was “preventative, targeted and proportionate,” the French Foreign ministry said. Officials noted their determination to combat terrorism, especially on its own soil.

An attempted attack on the Iranian exile group was set to take place at a rally on June 30 near Paris, officials said.

"An incident of such gravity on our national territory could not go unpunished,” officials said in a statement, according to Reuters.

The move came as about 200 police officers raided Centre Zahra, a Shiite Islamic center, and the homes of its leaders in the port-city of Dunkirk, France 24 reported. The Islamic center’s leaders were reportedly suspected of supporting “terrorist organizations.”

Police had been monitoring the center’s activities “because of the strong support by its leaders for several terrorist organizations and in favor of movements backing ideas that are contrary to the values,” of France, according to France 24.

It’s unclear whether the asset freezing and raid on the Islamic center were connected.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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