Fiji's military says 43 soldiers captured in Golan Heights are alive and unharmed

Fiji's military has confirmed that 43 of its soldiers, working as U.N. peacekeepers, have been captured by a militant group on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

Fijian Commander Brig. Gen. Mosese Tikoitoga said Friday the soldiers are alive and unharmed. He said talks between the U.N. and the unidentified rebel group had begun and negotiations would be pursued further at daybreak.

Tikoitoga said three vehicles filled with about 150 armed rebels had converged on the soldiers' post at about 7:30 a.m. Thursday.

He said the rebels demanded the soldiers leave within 10 minutes and insisted they go in rebel vehicles. He said they were then taken by the rebels to an unknown location. He said he's been told they were later transported back to their original post.