Explosion kills two, wounds eight in Pakistan

A Pakistani security serviceman stands guard beside container trucks parked at the border town of Chaman on July 27, 2012. A bomb explosion on Thursday killed at least two people and wounded eight others including four paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) officials in a southwestern Pakistani town near the Afghan border, officials said. (AFP/File)

A bomb explosion on Thursday killed at least two people and wounded eight others including four paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) officials in a southwestern Pakistani town near the Afghan border, officials said.

The bomb was planted in a small refrigerator that was placed on a pushcart in the southwestern town of Chaman, bordering Afghanistan.

"The explosion took place near an FC checkpost as a young boy aged 14 crossed into Pakistan from (the) Afghan side while pushing the cart", killing him and a passer-by and wounding eight others including four FC officials, senior local administration official Usman Gul told AFP.

Provincial home department chief Akbar Hussain Durrani also confirmed the incident.

Chaman is the second major town on Pakistan's border with Afghanistan after Torkham in the northwest.

Chaman is also the main land route for NATO supplies crossing from Pakistan into Afghanistan.