
Here are translated excerpts from "Very Much in God's Hands. Personal Notes 1962-2003," a collection of John Paul II's personal notes that his closest confidant is publishing — in defiance of the pope's will. The book comes out in Polish on Wednesday.


Here my problem is solved: I have recently felt very much in Mary's hands and close to God through 2 known issues. Hasn't, however, the order been reversed? Am I not "making use" in order to achieve something that is "v(ery much) mine." I stand in these matters in full humility. Here is the solution: in Mary's hands ... the task of Redemption must be accomplished also in me, with right proportions preserved.


On October 13, 1978 my dear friend bp (bishop) Andrzej Deskur suffered an unexpected stroke that brought partial paralysis on him. Despite treatment at the Gemelli Polyclinic, and then in Switzerland, the paralysis has not receded.

On October 14 I visited Andrzej in hospital, going to conclave, which was to make the choice of a successor after the death of John Paul I.

It is hard for me not to link the fact that on October 16 I was chosen that successor, with the event that preceded that choice by 3 days. The sacrifice of my Brother in bishopry, Andrzej, seems to me to be a preparation for this fact. Everything has been inscribed, through his suffering, into the mystery of the Cross and Redemption that was accomplished by Christ.


XVI Conference. Jesus Christ and history.

a) History as the presence of evil

b) History as the presence of good

c) History as a "coupling" of good and evil

To know how to reconcile? To know how to extract good from evil!