Estonia's former ruling party picks new leader after setback

Estonia's largest political party, which last year lost the prime minister's post it held for 11 years, has chosen a new leader.

Party delegates for the center-right Reform Party voted 1,048-635 on Saturday to elect Hanno Pevkur to replace former Prime Minister Taavi Roivas. Roivas announced in December he would step down as a chairman.

Pevkur, a 39-year-old lawyer, has served as interior, justice and social affairs minister in previous Cabinets.

Roivas was forced to resign as prime minister following a no-confidence vote in November. Reform Party was left out of the current three-party coalition government led by the left-leaning Center Party.

Reform Party was the top vote-getter in 2015 elections and part of every Estonian government between 1999 and 2016.