English town's tradition of burning politicians in effigy sparks heated complaints

An effigy portraying Russian President Vladimir Putin is paraded through the town of Lewes, England, where an annual bonfire night procession is held by the Lewes Bonfire Societies, Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014. (AP Photo / Gareth Fuller, PA) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES (The Associated Press)

An effigy of Russian President Vladimir Putin is paraded through the town of Lewes, England, where an annual bonfire night procession is held by the Lewes Bonfire Societies, Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014. (AP Photo / Gareth Fuller, PA) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES (The Associated Press)

In an English town with a tradition of consigning politicians to the flames, Scotland's independence leader proved a dummy too far.

Some Scots reacted with outrage after effigies of Alex Salmond were paraded during Bonfire Night celebrations in Lewes, southern England.

Each year the town's Bonfire Societies torch elaborate likenesses of prominent people to mark the anniversary of Guy Fawkes' failed 1605 plot to blow up Parliament.

Two effigies of Salmond were created for Wednesday's festivities.

Police said there were no plans to burn them. Nonetheless the likenesses sparked a flurry of outrage on social media.

Sussex Police said Thursday the force had received a complaint and would investigate.

The Lewes event also included an effigy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, topless, riding the Malaysia Airlines jet downed over Ukraine.