
Egypt's Foreign Ministry is hosting talks on Libya with the foreign ministers of Libya's neighbors to the west, Algeria and Tunisia, days after Libya's two rival governments agreed to hold elections.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Algeria's Abdelkader Messahel and Tunisia's Khemais Jhinaoui met in Cairo on Tuesday.

The Libyan election agreement was forged last Wednesday between the head of the U.N.-recognized government in the west, Fayez al-Sarraj, and Khalifa Hifter, the commander of forces based in the county's east.

Hifter's forces recently took control of the southern border with Algeria, part of a campaign announced in January to "eliminate gangs, Islamic State terrorists and criminals" in the south.

Libya slid into chaos after the 2011 uprising, which toppled long-time ruler Moammar Gadhafi.

Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia periodically meet to discuss the situation in Libya.