Egypt sentences 2 leading Islamist figures to 20 years in prison over police torture case

Egypt's state news agency is reporting that a Cairo court has sentenced a top Muslim Brotherhood member and a prominent Islamist preacher to 20 years in prison after finding them guilty on charges of abducting and torturing two police officers last summer and leading a terrorist organization.

The case stems from the Brotherhood's sit-in in a Cairo suburb against the military's ouster of then-President Mohammed Morsi, a Brotherhood member.

The Cairo Criminal Court Tuesday convicted Brotherhood leader Mohammed el-Beltagy, ultraconservative cleric Safwat Hegazy and two Brotherhood physicians of abducting, unlawfully detaining and torturing the two officers in a makeshift tent in the sit-in. The agency said the physicians were sentenced to five years in prison.

The trial is part of an ongoing crackdown against top Brotherhood figures and their supporters.