Egypt: Military denies el-Sissi decided to run for president, says Kuwaiti report inaccurate

Egypt's military says the nation's top soldier will, if he decides to run for president, announce his intention in an address to the "glorious people of Egypt," not through a third party.

Military Spokesman Col. Ahmed Mohammed Ali was responding to comments attributed by a Kuwaiti daily to Field Marshal Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi that he had made up his mind to run for president.

El-Sissi is widely expected to run for president, but he has yet to announce his candidacy. Speculations are rife that he will do so in a televised address to the nation later this month.

The spokesman described what Kuwait's al-Seyassah attributed to el-Sissi as the daily's own "interpretation" and not "direct comments" by the military chief.

Ali's statement was posted Thursday on his official Facebook page.