'Egg Boy' teen defends egging anti-Muslim Australian senator

In this image made from video, a teenager breaks an egg on the head of Senator Fraser Anning while he holds a press conference, Saturday, March 16, 2019, in Melbourne, New Zealand. Following the mass shootings on Friday, Anning came under sharp criticism over tweets including one that said: “Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?” (AP Photo)

In this image made from video, Senator Fraser Anning swipes at a teenager who broke an egg on his head while he was holding a press conference, Saturday, March 16, 2019, in Melbourne, New Zealand. Following the mass shootings on Friday, Anning came under sharp criticism over tweets including one that said: “Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?” (AP Photo)

An Australian teen known around the world as "Egg Boy" has conceded that egging a far-right senator was not the right thing to do, but says the gesture united a world reeling from a white-supremacist's alleged massacre of 50 Muslims in New Zealand.

Will Connolly gave his first television interview on Monday since becoming an online hero among many for cracking an egg on Sen. Fraser Anning's head as the maverick legislator spoke at a news conference after a gunman killed or wounded 100 worshippers at two Christchurch mosques on March 15.

Anning has been widely criticized for blaming Muslim immigration for the racist attacks.

Connolly said he is embarrassed that the international attention he has attracted with the egging has distracted attention from the victims of Christchurch.