Drought-stricken California farmers submit plans to avoid deeper water cuts

In this photo taken Monday, May 18, 2015, Gino Celli checks the moisture of land just planted with corn seed on land he farms near Stockton, Calif. Celli farms 1,500 acres of land and manages another 7,000 acres, has senior water rights and draws his irrigation water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Farmers in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta who have California's oldest water rights are proposing to voluntarily cut their use by 25 percent to avoid the possibility of even harsher restrictions by the state later this summer as the record drought continues. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

Moving to meet voluntary water conservation targets, dozens of farmers in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River delta have submitted plans to the state saying they intend to plant less thirsty crops and leave some fields unplanted amid the relentless California drought, officials said.

The farmers devised the plans submitted Monday as part of a deal struck last month that would spare them deeper mandatory cuts by the state in the future.

Under the agreement, they must submit plans for using 25 percent less water, fallowing 25 percent of their land, or other strategies to achieve the necessary water savings. Officials hope the deal can become a model for other farmers around the state.

California cities and businesses have also been ordered to reduce water use by 25 percent. The State Water Resources Control Board on Tuesday is expected to release its report for how communities met the goal in April. That was the month Gov. Jerry Brown ordered sweeping conservation measures, including mandatory urban water reductions, following the worst snowpack measurement in recent years in the Sierra Nevada.

California depends on that snow to melt its way into rivers and reservoirs and meet nearly a third of the state's water demand.

Regulations responding to Brown's order require communities to cut water use as much as 36 percent compared with 2013, the year before Brown declared a drought emergency. The rules took effect this week.

The shift to mandatory conservation followed lackluster savings, with water use slipping just 3 percent in February and 4 percent in March. Overall savings have been only about 9 percent since last summer, falling well short of Brown's 20 percent goal.

At least 120 farmers in the delta east of San Francisco had filed plans and more were expected to submit proposals before the midnight deadline, said Michael George, delta watermaster for the State Water Resources Control Board.

Further details involving particular crop changes were not immediately disclosed.

"These are serious well-conceived plans that will result in some significant conservation," said George, who is tasked with calculating how much water the changes will save.

California grows nearly half of the fruits, nuts and vegetables consumed in the U.S. However, agriculture experts say the California drought hasn't had a significant impact on food prices because other regions are making up the difference.

Delta farmers who proposed the voluntary cutbacks have never had their water use restricted.

John Herrick, an attorney and manager of the South Delta Water Agency, said he was busy Monday answering last-minute questions from farmers trying to meet the deadline. He had no hard figures but believed as many as 90 percent of the farmers eligible for the program would apply.

The delta accounts for less than 10 percent of the 6.9 million acres of irrigated farmland in California, but it is the hub of the state's water system. About 25 percent of California river water runs through the delta, supplying communities and farms throughout the state.

John Kisst, who farms 900 acres in the delta, said he will irrigate some of his alfalfa once a month rather than twice and will leave some fields unplanted. Some farmers may turn to growing safflower, which needs to be watered just once, or to some types of corn and beans that grow in three months rather than four, reducing the need for irrigation.

"This is not a science," Kisst said. "But we're expected to make our best effort."

State officials this year have already ordered water curtailments for thousands of farmers and other water users with lesser rights, but the state has not yet forced cuts on farmers with rights predating 1914 or who have land along rivers or streams.

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