Czech man receives suspended sentence for firing at Czech president with air pistol

A court in the Czech Republic has given a six-month suspended sentence to a man for shooting at the country's president with an air pistol that fires plastic pellets.

Pavel Vondrous has been convicted of hooliganism on Thursday, according to Judge Lukas Korpas at a court in the northern city of Liberec.

The incident happened Sept. 28 in the northern town of Chrastava where President Vaclav Klaus was opening a new bridge.

Vondrous opened fire from close range while the president's bodyguards failed to intervene immediately. Klaus escaped with a minor bruise. His bodyguards initially let Vondrous go and he was arrested minutes later by police.

The 26-year-old Vondrous later said he wanted to punish Klaus for what he perceives to be the bad situation in the country.