Could ISIS be using puppies as suicide bombers?

A group of Iraqi militia fighters claim on a video posted on youtube that they found this dog outfitted with a makeshift bomb.

ISIS is looking for new and creative ways to inflict their brand of brutality and cause mass casualties, but their apparent newest method may have hit a new low.

Militia fighters backed by the Iraqi government made a shocking find when they discovered a young puppy with a bomb strapped across its back according to the Toronto Sun.

A video surfaced on Sunday that shows fighters from the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU militia) with the young pup--- which was quivering in fear.

“What was this animal’s crime?” One of the fighters asks to the camera, according to a translation from Metro U.K. “ISIS booby traps [animals] and sends them out against us.”

The animal was strapped with what can be described as a suicide vest, with a make-shift bomb from three plastic bottles containing a yellowish liquid mixture that were tied together with wire and tape.

The militia fighters say on the video that they were able to defuse the bomb and that they were sending the dog to the Baghdad Zoo, “for a nice break from the war zone and well away from ISIS fighters trying to blow animals up for their sick war.”

ISIS also has been employing the use of commercial drones to drop bombs and grenades on civilian forces attempting to take back the city of Mosul. They have also been known to use young children, known as “cubs,” to carry out executions.

According to Metro U.K., some have claimed the puppy video is false. ISIS fighters have previously posed in photos and videos with kittens in an attempt to soften their image.

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