Colombian Prostitute Says She Had Sex with Secret Service Agent

May 4, 2012: Frame grab by Spanish radio station Cadena SER website shows Dania Londoño Suárez, the woman who triggered the U.S. Secret Service scandal in Colombia. (AP2012)

The prostitute at the center of the Secret Service sex scandal admitted for the first time that she had sex with the married Secret Service agent, and faulted the federal agents for neglecting their duty in order to go partying.

In an interview with NBC Today on Monday, Dania Suárez portrayed the Secret Service agents who allegedly contracted prostitutes in Cartagena, Colombia, as drunken morons and said she had sex with one of them.

“They seem like completely stupid idiots. I don’t know why Obama had them in his security team,” Suárez said.

The agents liked to show off their ripped abs on the dance floor, according to Suárez, whose lawyer told RCN News in Colombia that she's in negotiations with Playboy.

“I was surprised that every time he danced with me, he lifted up his sweater so I could see,” Suárez said.

The agents drank liberally and acted boisterously, according to Suárez, who said one of them jumped onto the bar.

Suárez speculated that the agents had solicited prostitutes in the past because they were not shy about asking for sex. “I would say they were too direct,” she said.

One agent contracted her for the night, agreeing to the price of $800, according to Suárez.

The two had “normal sex,” Suárez said, then he fell asleep.

If she had wanted to, Suárez says she could have stolen everything in the agent’s room.

The Secret Service sex scandal erupted ahead of President Obama’s trip last month to Cartagena, Colombia, to attend the Summit of the Americas.

The incident broke into public view when Suárez argued with a Secret Service agent over her payment in a hallway of the Caribe Hotel. Local law enforcement intervened on the prostitute's behalf.

Eight Secret Service agents were forced out of their jobs over the scandal. A ninth lost his security clearance and will also likely leave the agency.

Paid sex is legal in Cartagena, but violates codes of conduct for U.S. personnel who were working there. In the wake of the scandal, 100 Secret Service agents will receive ethics training.

The scandal upended the 24-year-old mother’s life, as she went from a relatively anonymous call girl to an international media celebrity overnight. She has since left Cartagena for Madrid, Spain, where she has family, according to NBC.

Suárez says she’s interested in a proposal for a book deal she’s received from an American publisher, NBC reports.

Though Suárez says she’s not proud of having paid sex with the Secret Service agent, she rejects blame for the scandal.

“I’m not to blame for being attractive,” Suárez said. “They are to blame for leaving their duty behind.”

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