Ciudad Juarez Commemorates Journalists with City Plaza

Plaques of local journalists adorn the brick Plaza of Journalists in Ciudad Juarez. (Joe Kolb)

A small library on the grounds of the Plaza of Journalists in Ciudad Juarez. (Joe Kolb)

One of many murals that surrounds the Plaza of Journalists in Ciudad Juarez. (Joe Kolb)

Banners outside of the El Diario de Juarez office seek justice for two murdered staff members whose killers have never been identified. (Joe Kolb)

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The iconic statue of the newspaper delivery boy on the Plaza of Journalists in Ciudad Juarez. (Joe Kolb)

Luis Sanchez, a 20-year-old photographer for El Diario de Juarez was shot three times in 2010 while his partner Luis Santiago was murdered in a car they were driving in. (Joe Kolb)