Chinese propaganda video prompts Indian complaint of racism

China's main state news agency, Xinhua, has released a video online criticizing India in a border dispute that prompted an Indian newspaper to complain of "racist overtones."

The English-language video, titled "7 Sins of India," accuses the New Delhi government of illegally entering Chinese territory. It includes a man portraying an Indian dressed in a turban and false beard.

Soldiers from the two sides are in a standoff in Doklam, an area between China and Indian ally Bhutan. New Delhi sent soldiers in June to stop China from constructing a road there.

The Hindustan Times said the three-minute video has "racist overtones" and "mocked and parodied Indians."

The video appears to be an attempt to use humor to win over foreign audiences. It is posted on Twitter and YouTube, both of which the ruling Communist Party tries to block Chinese web surfers from seeing.

It accuses Indian forces of trespassing and breaking international law.

"Didn't your mama tell you, never break the law?" says the host, identified as Dier Wang.

The video includes appearances by a man in a turban, sunglasses and false beard who speaks in an exaggerated Indian accent over canned laughter.