China touts success of crackdown in restive Muslim region, says over 180 terror plots foiled

China says it has foiled 181 terror plots in the year since it started a crackdown on violent Islamic separatists in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.

State broadcaster CCTV on Wednesday showed paramilitary troops conducting a range of drills featuring fleets of helicopters, simulated building assaults and the use of heavy weapons including anti-tank guns and flamethrowers.

The report did not detail how authorities define a terror plot. It says 96 percent of the 181 foiled plots were still in the planning stages. According to the report, 112 suspects have turned themselves in, but it gave no figures on those captured or killed by police.

The crackdown was launched after a bomb attack last May 22 on a crowded market in Xinjiang's capital Urumqi in which 39 people were killed.