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A cat in Belgium has tested positive for the coronavirus after catching the potentially deadly bug from an infected owner, officials said Friday.

The sick pet in Liège tested positive after showing classic symptoms of COVID-19 — including difficulty breathing — a week after its owner first fell sick, health officials told a press conference, the Brussels Times reports.

A cat in Belgium is believed to be the first to contract coronavirus, reports say.

A cat in Belgium is believed to be the first to contract coronavirus, reports say.


While it is the first known infection of a cat, two dogs in Hong Kong have previously tested positive — with the first, a 17-year-old Pomeranian, dying after returning home from quarantine.

“The cat had diarrhea, kept vomiting and had breathing difficulties. The researchers found the virus in the cat’s feces,” professor Steven Van Gucht said Friday, according to the outlet.

No information was given on the conditions of either the cat or its owner, the Brussels Times said.

Read more at the New York Post.