Bahrain court keeps travel ban on senior opposition figure during trial

A Bahrain court has rejected an appeal to lift a travel ban on a senior opposition figure facing charges of encouraging anti-government violence in the Gulf nation.

Lawyers backing Khalil al-Marzooq also challenged the anti-terrorism codes under which he is charged, which can strip citizenship in some cases. But the court Monday said the charges stand and set the next hearing for Dec. 12.

The case has deepened tensions in the Sunni-ruled kingdom, which has faced near-nonstop unrest and bloodshed since majority Shiites began an Arab Spring-inspired uprising in February 2011 seeking a greater political voice.

Shiite leaders broke off reconciliation talks after the September arrest of al-Marzooq, a top official with the main Shiite political bloc Al Wefaq.

Bahrain is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.