Bahrain court acquits 2 policemen in protester death

A defense lawyer in Bahrain says a court has acquitted two policemen charged in the shooting death of a protester at the beginning of the 2-year-old uprising in the Gulf nation.

Tuesday's decision could stir more clashes in the strategic kingdom, which is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet. It comes just two days after an appeals court confirmed the acquittal of two other policemen in the deaths of two protesters in February 2011.

More than 60 people have been killed in unrest in Bahrain, where majority Shiites seeking a greater political voice are confronting the Sunni-run leadership.

Defense lawyer Mohammed al-Jishi said the two policeman fired shotgun blasts at the protester, but charges were dropped because the court decided there was no intention to use lethal force.