Baby stranded in Iran after charity worker mom jailed without charge

A 22-month-old is stranded in Iran after her charity worker mother was arrested when trying to leave the country and jailed without charge for about five weeks, The Sun reported.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, 37, the child’s mother, was reportedly held on an issue of “national security” and was apparently forced to sign a mystery confession.

The family has since reached out to British Prime Minister David Cameron's office as well as the Iranian government.

“She is waking up in the middle of the night screaming and looking for mummy,” her husband Richard told the paper. The child, Gabriella, is being cared for by her grandmother in the country.

“It is now nearly two months since I saw or held my little girl,” he said. “I cannot get her back; her passport is confiscated, I have no visa, and I have been advised not to try and go to Iran.”

The woman has been kept in solitary confinement since her arrest, reports say.

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