La gobernadora de Arizona Jan Brewer habla durante un evento del partido Republicano el 2 de noviembre del 2010 en Phoenix, Arizona. (Photo by Laura Segall/Getty Images) (2010 Getty Images)
WASHINGTON – The governor of the state that pioneered the recent turn toward local enforcement of federal immigration law is endorsing Mitt Romney in her state's Republican presidential primary on Tuesday.
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says she looked at all the candidates and decided to endorse the former Massachusetts governor.
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Brewer says Romney's business background appealed to her.
"I think he'd serve Americans the best of all the candidates," Brewer said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, adding that she thinks he's the candidate who could win November's election.
The endorsement came four days after Romney and three rivals appeared in a debate in Mesa, Ariz. Immediately following the debate, Brewer told CNN she had yet to decide who to endorse, though she said Newt Gingrich's plan to consult the governors of southwestern states regarding border policy appealed to her.
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The former Massachusetts governor is expected to win Tuesday's contest in Arizona, where some 29.6 percent of the population is of Latino descent, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau figures, released in 2010.
Arizona is also home to a significant Mormon population.
Based on reporting by the Associated Press.
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