Anti-nuke anarchists claim Italy shooting

An anti-nuclear anarchist group that previously targeted Italy's tax collection agency claimed responsibility Friday for shooting and wounding the chief executive of a nuclear engineering firm earlier in the week.

The Informal Anarchist Federation's Olga unit said it would continue to carry out other "actions" in the claim sent to leading daily Corriere della Sera, which posted it on its website.

Roberto Adinolfi was shot in the leg Monday near his Genoa home by an unknown masked gunman, who fled as a passenger on a motor scooter. Adinolfi, who was released from the hospital on Friday, is the CEO of Ansaldo Nuclear, a division of the state-controlled Finmeccanica company.

In the claim, the anarchist group, known as the FAI, listed Adinolfi's role in promoting nuclear energy as the reason for targeting him and said that it would continue its campaign against Finmeccanica, a defense and aeronautics company.

The FAI has previously claimed responsibility for letter bombs sent to Italy's Equitalia tax collection agency, including one that wounded the organization's director last December.

A letter containing small amounts of explosive powder was received Thursday at the main office of Equitalia in Rome, the news agency ANSA reported. No one was reported harmed.

Equitalia has come under more mainstream pressure in recent weeks amid media reports of a rash of suicides and other public acts of desperation among businessmen in financial difficulty.

The desperate acts have brought to the fore the issue of slow payments from the state to private businesses, and the inability, to date, of businessmen to count the balance owed them from the state against their tax bill.

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