Anti-Kate Slurs Get Guardsman Banned From Royal Wedding Parade

April 21: A Company Sergeant Major of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards inspects guardsmen's bearskins, as they take part in an inspection ahead of the royal wedding at their barracks in Windsor, England. (AP)

LONDON -- A guardsman was banned from the royal wedding parade after ranting about bride-to-be Kate Middleton, Pakistanis and Jews on Facebook, the Daily Express reported Monday, citing confirmation from the Ministry of Defense.

Cameron Reilly, 18, was one of several hundred Scots Guards assigned to line the route Prince William and Kate will take from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.

However, just days before Friday's highly anticipated royal wedding, Reilly was suspended after posting on Facebook that Kate was a “stuck-up cow.”

“Her and William drove past me on Friday and all I got was a wave while she looked the opposite way from me, the stupid, stuck-up cow. Am I not good enough for them! Posh bitch. Who really gives a f*ck about her?” the guardsman wrote.

In other posts, Reilly -- who is regularly posted outside Buckingham Palace in iconic red tunic and bearskin hat -- said London was a “Paki [Pakistani] holding cell” and also made jokes about shooting Jews at the Tower of London, the Daily Mail reported.

The Ministry of Defense declined to comment on whether the guards outside the palace had live ammunition in their weapons.

On his Facebook information page, Reilly listed “causing trouble” and “super-strength” beer among his activities and interests. Profile pictures show him smiling and holding up two rifles, and kissing a giant bottle of vodka.

A Scots Guards spokesman said they were investigating the matter, and Reilly had been suspended from royal wedding duties.

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