Oct. 4, 2008: American Al Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn speaks in this video grab from an Internet video. (Reuters/IntelCenter)
A California-born convert to Islam is praising the killers of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in the Benghazi attacks on Sep. 11 last year, while calling for more violence against Western diplomats in the Middle East.
Al Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn, whose capture will garner a $1 million reward from the U.S. government, made the statements in a recently released video on Arabic websites frequented by terrorists, according to the SITE monitoring group.
Gadahn, indicted in California for treason and material support for Al Qaeda, called on wealthy Muslims to offer rewards for militants to kill ambassadors, citing bounties set by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
The group is offering 106 ounces of gold for the killing of the U.S. ambassador in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, and $23,350 for the killing of American soldiers in the country, according to Reuters.
Gadahn previously said in 2007 that Al Qaeda would target diplomats and facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to U.S.-led military action.
He is believed to be in Pakistan since 2004 and the FBI has been trying to question him, Reuters reports.