Albania to bring home from France remains of exiled King Zogu

Albania has decided to bring back the remains of its only post-independence monarch, King Ahmet Zogu, from France where he died in 1961.

The government announced Wednesday it will organize the return ceremony Nov. 17, ahead of celebrations for Albania's 100th independence anniversary on Nov. 28.

Zogu reigned from 1928 until 1939, when he fled after Albania was occupied by fascist Italy.

Albania's post-World War II communist regime abolished the monarchy in 1946, and the country remained a parliamentary republic after the fall of communism in 1990.

The royal family returned home in 2002. A small royalist party is allied to the governing Democratic Party's coalition of Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

Zogu was survived by his son, Leka, who died in 2011, and his nephew Crown Prince Leka II.