Albania gay rights organizations hold annual pride ride

Participants of the Gay Pride Parade hold a rainbow flag during a rally held without any disturbances, while the country's political opposition prepared for an unrelated national protest in the capital, in Tirana, Saturday, May 13, 2017. Scores of bikers with multi-colored balloons and flags rode passing past a tent pitched by the opposition in front of Prime Minister Edi Rama's office urging the government to take anti-discriminatory measures and pass two draft laws on same-sex marriage and recognition of trans-gender people. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina) (The Associated Press)

Participants of the Gay Pride Parade ride bikes during a rally held without any disturbances, while the country's political opposition prepared for an unrelated national protest in the capital, Tirana, Saturday, May 13, 2017. Scores of bikers with multi-colored balloons and flags rode passing past a tent pitched by the opposition in front of Prime Minister Edi Rama's office urging the government to take anti-discriminatory measures and pass two draft laws on same-sex marriage and recognition of trans-gender people. The banner reads : "Free rights for LGBT families". (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina) (The Associated Press)

Supporters of Albania's main opposition take part in a protest demanding a caretaker cabinet to take the country to the June 18 parliamentary election, on Saturday, May 13, 2017. The opposition boycotted parliament since February and has not registered for the election but also have threatened that the elections will not be held without them. (AP Photo/Hektor Pustina) (The Associated Press)

Gay rights organizations in Albania have held their annual pride event without any disturbances, while the country's political opposition prepared for an unrelated national protest in the capital, Tirana.

Scores of bikers with multi-colored balloons and flags on Saturday started their mile-long (1.6 kms) ride passing past a tent pitched by the opposition in front of Prime Minister Edi Rama's office in downtown Tirana.

Opposition Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha had assured the gay pride participants there would be no incidents or threats during their ride, which started two hours before the other protest.

A heavy police presence followed the ride.

Albania passed an anti-discrimination law in 2009 but same-sex weddings have not been legalized.