Al-Jazeera cameraman acquitted in Egypt

A Cairo court says it has acquitted a cameraman for the Qatar-based network Al-Jazeera, after he was held for months on charges of committing acts of violence.

Mohamed Badr, a cameraman for Al-Jazeera's channel in Egypt, was arrested following clashes in July. The court said in a statement Sunday that a judge acquitted him and 62 others.

Badr's acquittal comes amid a wider crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, after the military's ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on July 3. Al-Jazeera journalists have been targeted for their coverage of Brotherhood protesters. Authorities have long depicted the network as pro-Brotherhood.

On Wednesday, Egypt said 20 journalists, including four foreigners working for Al-Jazeera, will face trial on charges of joining or aiding a terrorist group and endangering national security.